
Disney King was created for you that needs a confidence boost and needs to know your own value. The goal with the song is to get people to increase their love to themselves and it’s a reminder to not settle for less than what you deserve.

Disney King demands the power that lives within all of us in a unapologetic way – it’s rough and at times; quite ironic. One thing is for sure; This is the song that makes you walk with firm steps out of the door, with your head held high and a smile on your face!


Ladybug, the mesmerizing mistress of dark edgy pop, is a testament to the transformative power of music and the untainable spirit of artistic expression.

Ladybug’s music is a powerful fusion of darkness and edginess, transcending the boundaries of convention. Her compositions are a daring expedition into the human psyche, unearthing the raw and unfiltered emotions often buried deep within. Her lyrics, characterized by their desperate, almost «psychotic» intensity, navigate the realms of human experience, embracing the good and bad with an unapologetic fervor.

With a vocal range that fluctuates from sultry whispers to thunderous cries, Ladybug’s live performances are nothing short of transcendental. She transforms the stage into an altar, inviting her audience to partake in an exorcism of emotions.

Ladybug’s odyssey in the world of music is anything but ordinary;
It’s a world where music is the guiding light, the stage is a sacred realm, and the line between desperation and devotion blurs in a resounding celebration of artistic courage and freedom.

Ladybug artist and topliner
Ladybug artist and topliner


Are you looking to make your next event unforgettable? Get in touch now to book Ladybug for your festival, corporate party or private gathering. Ladybug is also available for collaborations and other enquieries.

©Ladybug 2024 All rights reserved
